Simply Blue Energy – Salamander – Supplier and Innovation Pathway
Information sent to us from SubseaUK
Salamander will be responding to the Scottish Government consultation on the Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas Decarbonisation (INTOG) Sectoral Marine Plan for offshore wind. They will propose that the allowable limit for innovation projects should be increased from the current 100 MW cap to 300 MW so that Scotland is brought in-line with the proposed 300 MW Early Commercial limit set by The Crown Estate for projects in the Celtic Sea. This will ensure consistency and competitiveness of Scottish projects, while at the same time allowing projects to act as an appropriately sized stepping-stone prior to commercial scale opportunities, providing greater benefit to the supply chain.
As of September 20th 2021 they have launched their innovation pathway to provide a direct access point for suppliers and innovations into early evaluation within our project.
The form below can be used to register interest, with applications closing on October 15th 2021.Should you wish to provide a supplementary brochure or documentation then please email to although please note that initial screening of applications may refer only to the details provided in the form below.
Full details are provided in our RFI document linked below.