Fresh perspectives on East England’s offshore wind
In the next five years, a total 7,500 MW of offshore wind farms will be built solely on the Eastern side of the UK. This is an incredibly interesting market for everyone in the Danish supply chain – from specialists with very specific skills to OEMs.
As part of’s internationalisation programme, we have been working intensively with Team Humber Marine Alliance (THMA) since 2015. The alliance represents the wind industry in East England. Erik Høj Meier, Business Development Manager, Offshore Wind at Semco, participated in’s recent trip to the UK wind industry. He says:
“Great trip. We made good contact with many organisations and subcontractors, where we and they could see the sense in cooperating. We have made initial contact with the network that is most important to have contact with when entering the UK market. We saw the facilities with our own eyes, we received updated information and loads of facts that give us plenty to work on. This trip was an important first step for Semco.”
Based on partnership with THMA, visits to the region and other market research, we now have a fresh perspective on the East UK offshore wind industry that includes descriptions of commissioned and planned projects and the important harbours. OEDK’s members are welcome to request the “East UK Offshore Wind facts sheet” from Gustavo Ferraz de Luna:
“We seek to make the knowledge and research we work with everyday more widely available. We have compiled a simple, easy-to-read facts sheet that member companies can use in connection with, for example, business plans or initiatives in this geographical area,” says Gustavo Ferraz de Luna, Project Manager,
We are planning to compile similar facts sheets for other focus areas, e.g. German wind and Dutch wind and oil & gas in the near future.
Don’t miss the chance to get a first-hand impression of UK wind from the British Ambassador. Come along to the after-work meeting at in Esbjerg on 27 February.
Read more here: Learn more about UK Offshore wind and meet the British Ambassador
Members of visited the Humber region in November. A new trip is planned for May to the “Offshore Wind Connections 2017” conference. See
Date: 3-4 May 2017